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V4 and Germany Round Table

In autumn 2019 scholars and think tank experts from Czechia, Germany, Hungary and Poland meet in Zamek na Wodzie to discuss the gap between good economic and suboptimal political relations between V4 countries and Germany. On the eve of Brexit, Jagiellonian Club organizes an event aimed at reflection to what extent V4 countries can substitute Great Britain as Germany’s ally on the European Union forum.

Sponsors: International Visegrad Fund

Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation


Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs

College of Eastern Europe

Občanský institut

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Trimarium Geostrategic Institute

V4 and Germany Round Table


Germany, Visegrád States, and the Future of the EU

dr Kai-Olaf Lang  15 grudnia 2019
There is no single overarching divide between Germany on the one hand and the Visegrád countries on the other.

Will post-crisis Europe create a political mind of its own?

prof. Marek Cichocki  12 grudnia 2019
It is often repeated that European integration was constantly lurching from one crisis to another. This observation is essentially true, but there is also a need to understand the unique character of the current state of crisis in Europe, which is different.

The European Monetary Union and V4 – in danger of being marginalised?

dr Justyna Schulz  3 grudnia 2019
The conceptual differences between France and Germany concerning the reform of the EMU may strengthen the connectivity between the V4 and Germany.

The Eastern Partnership as a potential field of a V4-Germany cooperation

Laurynas Vaičiūnas  28 listopada 2019
The other fundamental feature of the EaP ten years after its launch is the missing ownership of the endeavour and the lack of clear leadership.

The Berlin Process and EU enlargement in the Western Balkans in the light of current developments

Csaba Törő  26 listopada 2019
The Berlin Process may be most accurately profiled and understood as a supplementary political framework to the accession aspirations or process of Western Balkans states.

Towards global challenges: transatlantic relations, China, Russia – security & economy

Dávid Szabó  20 listopada 2019
Could the integral character of the EU as a trading bloc, making it so attractive, be translated into EU foreign policy more efficiently?

Four Scenarios for Europe

Marcin Kędzierski  18 listopada 2019
Angela Merkel has again and again agreed to French proposals, but for now has done nothing to turn them into a reality.