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Ideas have no borders. For this reason, we have translated our most important articles. Read and share with your friends.


How Europe can become independent from Russian energy

Michał Wojtyło  15 marca 2022
The war in Ukraine must force investments not only in defence, but also in other sectors of the economy, including energy, and not only because of the need to support Ukrainians “here and now”. Without them, Poland’s security and sovereignty will be also endangered in long...

Beyond Republicans and Democrats. Church’s teaching a chance for an alternative for the Americans

Łukasz Kożuchowski talks to Patrick Harris, Chairman of the National Committee of the American Solidarity  22 lutego 2022
Does Christian Democracy stand any chance in a secularising American society? Is it possible to build any real alternative to such a polarised division for the Republican Party and the Democratic Party?

To advocate for God’s will in a secularised world. An interview with Lisca van der Eijk from Dutch ChristenUnie

Łukasz Kozuchowski talks about Christian democratic politics with Lisca van der Eijk from ChristenUnie  16 lutego 2022
How can Christian Democrats find themselves in Netherlands, which are one of the most secular societies in Europe? How is it possible to convince a non-believer to Christian values? Lisca van der Eijk from Dutch ChristenUnie tries to find answer to these questions.

Turów is just the beginning. More energy crises ahead

Jakub Wiech, Jakub Kucharczuk  10 grudnia 2021
Moving away from a coal-based economy will be difficult yet inevitable. I understand indignation of the Polish Government – the CJEU has gone too far in interfering in the energy security of Poland.

Lukashenko has been planning an attack on Poland for years. The EU should return economic migrants to their countries of origin

Radosław Dutczak  10 grudnia 2021
The vast majority of those camped at the border are economic migrants who have flown into Belarus from countries such as Iraq and Nigeria. Lukashenko hopes not only for the lifting of sanctions but also for the legitimisation of his authoritarian rule by Western countries.

One Church, many Christians. Ecumenism is still a controversial concept

Cezary Boryszewski  6 grudnia 2021
The way of experiencing spirituality present in other religions can inspire a Catholic to pay attention to content that has been forgotten. The conflict over ecumenism should not be closed in the Manichean division "heartless Pharisees - empathetic ecumenists.