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Ideas have no borders. For this reason, we have translated our most important articles. Read and share with your friends.


Czech expert: I am concerned with many things, but I do not worry at all that the Czech and Polish cooperation will deteriorate

Roman Joch describes the future of internal and foreign policy of his country  23 lipca 2022
I am concerned with many things that may happen in the future, but I do not worry at all that the Czech and Polish cooperation will possibly weaken or deteriorate. On the contrary. What we are currently witnessing, is its strengthening and intensification.

The war in Ukraine opens a new chapter in the history of NATO and the EU. It is a chance for Poland and for Ukraine

Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski  23 lipca 2022
Not only the fate of Ukraine, but also of entire Central Europe, and possibly the future of imperial Russia is being decided. The attitude towards the war in Ukraine divides countries of the West and draws a line of divide in its both main organisations - the EU and NATO.

Great solidarity, problems with housing, a concern with inflation, and social tensions. Czech experiences with refugees are similar

Tomas Jirsa presents the Czech perspective on opportunities and challenges associated with Ukrainian refugees  23 lipca 2022
As many as 350 thousand of Ukrainians are in the Czech Republic. This situation poses a significant social and demographic challenge, for example, for the Czech education system and its ability to absorb students, or for the housing situation, which was difficult already before.

Civil power, radical pacifism, protectional ecologism, Zeitenwende. Germans priests of political idealism

Marcin Kędzierski presents the foundations of Berlin’s five key traditions of foreign policy  10 czerwca 2022
German methodical idealism, which despite appearances does not have much in common with their supposed pragmatism. A new generation of Germans, currently running in sneakers at Bundestag, can change the strategic course of Germany’s foreign policy. Poland can profit from it.

Former Estonian president: „Eastern Europeans are the only nations towards whom racism is politically correct”

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Radosław Dutczak  10 maja 2022
The only people left in the world toward whom it is politically correct to act like a racist are Eastern Europeans. You can't do it toward Russians because then you are Russophobic. Will we see a change in 30 years of this smug, patronising behaviour? It's too early to tell.

Can Poland turn its new humanitarian soft power into hard economic or military benefits?

Michał Steć  9 maja 2022
Poland has an opportunity to find itself at the centre of the new order, with its consistent long-term policy towards Russia, strategic location, and considerable help to its neighbour leading to a significant improvement in the country’s image in the eyes of its Western...