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Ideas have no borders. For this reason, we have translated our most important articles. Read and share with your friends.


Russia’s imperialistic behaviour is not going to go away only because of a peace or truce with Ukraine

Michał Wojtyło, Fredrik Löjdquist  24 lipca 2023
The outcome of the war in Ukraine will depend very much on what the West is willing and able to do. The problem is that sometimes the fear among Western politicians of Russian collapse prevails.

New green alliance of EU and US against China? About the consequences of the Inflation Reduction Act

Tobias Gehrke, Michał Wojtyło  6 marca 2023
Tobias Gehrke, senior policy fellow at the European Council for Foreign Relations who leads ECFR’s Geoeconomics Initiative, talks about the political consequences of the Inflation Reduction Act for the EU with Michal Wojtylo.

Babis’s victory would be the end of Czech support for Ukraine? About the importance of the current Czech presidential elections

Roman Joch, Ondřej Šmigol, Michał Wojtyło  26 stycznia 2023
Petr Pavel is a strongly pro-Western and anti-Russian politician. Unfortunately, the current campaign has seen a disturbing change in the message of Andrej Babiš – he is running as an anti-war candidate. Babiš was inspired by last year's parliamentary campaign of Victor...

Is the right wing doomed to Trumpisation? Orban and Fiala show two possible paths [VIDEO]

Piotr Trudnowski compares Czech and Hungarian politics  25 sierpnia 2022
When we look at two governments - the Czech government of Petr Fiala and the Hungarian government of Viktor Orban - we can actually see two possible paths for the existence and evolution of the centre-right in our region.

Russian invasion and COVID-19 – new impulses for development of the Three Seas Initiative

dr Konrad Popławski  16 sierpnia 2022
The war in Ukraine and the pandemic fundamentally changed the geopolitical situation in the Central Europe, and thus also the awareness of the Three Seas Initiative states.

Did EU and NATO fail? Conclusions for Poland and the Czech Republic from the West reaction to the war in Ukraine

Martin Svárovský  1 sierpnia 2022
If EU and NATO want to play an important role outside their borders, they must effectively use all tools available to them to project their power. The determination of western societies should also be remembered, as it may be decisive for the future of our security.